I don’t know how to act on a first date please help me.
How to sell yourself on a first date
The first thing you want to do is not sell too hard. This is what is known as the “passive sale”. Let the buyer, your date, want you the product. You would not try and “sell” yourself to a potential new friend would you. The either want to be your friend or they don’t.
Next, in sales you have to believe in your product. True, you can sell not believing in your product, but those sales will be short lived and your company will close sooner than later because you won’t be able to keep up with the buyers expectations. It’s the same thing in dating. If you go out there and act like you have everything under control, that you have money, are super independent, and can rescue the world, that is what your dating partner, the buyer, will assume is true and now expect. The contract starts on your first meeting and goes through your last. The contract can be amended but it takes both parties to agree to that amendment and if one does not the contract will be void. So be yourself and if the other person does not want to get in “business” with you then you are saving yourself from emotional bankruptcy, inflated paying for emotional love taxes, and a very bad break up recession. In other words be your self don’t oversell who you want to be. Tell them who you are right there right then.